Please forgive me for this e-mail, but I felt I just had to let more people know about this and get in on the ground floor! The program I am involved in incorporates "Spillover". Spillover is probably one of the best ideas ever developed for network marketing. Here's why: Anyone I sponsor after you, will probably be placed under you. You then earn commissions on these new people as if you had signed them up! Why? The way the program works I am trying to fill my downline and I can only have so many people on each level. After a given level is full, anyone else I sponsor "spills over" to the next level. This is where they start getting placed under you. So you see, it doesn't matter if you sign them up or I do, in the end the result is the same. I just signed up Monday and I already have 3 members in my downline, just from SPILLOVER! I didn't do anything! The program just started, in fact it has less than 550 members. This IS the ground floor! The company is advertising in several major print publications next month! I have been in several MLM's and I can finally say; "This is the one I've been looking for!" If you know what it's like to lose sleep because your so exited, email me NOW! Don't miss this opportunity, email me for more details. (supply a fax number, and I will fax it to you.) Thanks